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欢迎来到CoreCose Studio的官方网站。这里是目前关于本工作室及其作品的唯一官方信息发布站点。

News 新闻


2017.7.19 画师部门三张任务图均通过总监审核。两张平涂上色一张厚涂,制作速度上没有问题,能够完成需求,质量完成情况良好。(领域负责本期) 程序部门正在尝试着用 SQLite 数据库在写工具类,正在继续更新中。(白泽负责本期) 文案部已经设计了4个主要人物和两个辅助类人物,剧情大体形成,剧情的起源已经完成,现在正在设计剩下辅助类人物和主要人物。(蔡负责本期)

About 关于

Introduction 简介

CoreCose Studio was established as an internet-based interest group by Orvil Fox in February 2014, intended to create elegant video games with maximum playability. CoreCose Studio has over 20 members all around the world, mainly in the United Kingdom, the United States and China. With an unbelievable young team, we are on our way to creating what we have dreamed.

CoreCose工作室作为一个基于互联网的兴趣团体成立于2014年2月,由Orvil Fox发起,趋向于制作精致一流且可玩性高的电子游戏产品。Core Cose工作室拥有20多个成员来自世界各地,主要聚集于英国、美国和中国。我们是一支不可思议的年轻团队,在以我们的方式去铸造我们所梦寐以求的。

By the Numbers 直观数据

  • Average Bonus per Mission: 600 RMB / 92 USD
  • Countries Represented: 5
  • Team Size: 22 members (current)
  • Average Hours Input per week: 15 hrs
  • Average Age: 22 y.o.
  • Operating since February 2014
  • Game Published: 5
  • Total Downloads: Over 100,000

Offline Activities 线下活动

Although CoreCose Studio is internet based, we are planning on organizing offline activities such as physical meetings, parties, or trips. All members in the scheduled location could participate voluntarily. CoreCose Studio is looking forward to creating physical working studios in the future.


We Love Our Players 感谢玩家

Our players are not only those who played our games but also devout supporters of us. We appreciate your support, and we love you. It is you who bring us to a stage that we could be proud of. Thank you and let us go further to where we haven’t been discovered.
